STONE Return With Their Floor Pounding Second Single ‘Keep Running’
After bouncing onto the scene and ruffling feathers with their first single Leave it Out in February, STONE return with a second single Keep Running and certainly pick up where they left off.
Keep Running is another cuttingly honest and passionate anecdote considering the challenges and standing the ground of twenty somethings in modern day society. The message from lead singer Finley Power is simple and emphatic, “can you just leave me alone?”. Power’s lyrical assessments on youth culture throughout the track are fascinating in that they come from a position of strength, armed with a raw and direct edge that ensures we are under the STONE influence.
Perhaps the main contrasting element from the band’s first release is that this track contains more of a melodic tone. The string section and drumbeat keep a high tempo but allow the listener to tap their toes varying from the floor pounding energy that absorbed us in the first single. The verses have an edge similar to another passionate, rock outfit Idles yet the chorus provides a sing-along Kasabian feel to the track.
All of the tune’s elements combined create a striking imagery from start to finish. We almost feel as if we are re-tracing the footsteps and journey of the protagonist. Walking the same streets in the verses and running the same race in the high octane chorus. The spoken word stanza midway through the number leads us down a hazy, dusky path before we come out of the other side, directed by the powerful guitar solo that ushers us to the end road and conclusion of the track that plays out in style.
If providing the case for the defence and having the back of the younger generation is a motive of STONE, they are certainly putting quite the argument forward. Another relentless soundbite that swept us off our feet. You keep running, we’ll keep listening.
Keep Running is available on all major streaming platforms now. Listen to the track on Spotify.
Follow STONE on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates.
Jamie Hankin