
Your Best Guide To Shower Cubicles And Cabins And Their Many Benefits

As most of us who live in and around Liverpool know, this is a busy area, and while it’s an exciting area to live in and it’s undoubtedly fun with a lot of things and happenings going on at every turn, we have to be mindful of our cleanliness and hygiene. And what better way to take care of that than by taking a relaxing and rejuvenating shower? But gone are those days when every home had to build its own shower space from the ground up – nowadays, it’s a much better option to have your very own shower cubicle (or shower cabin, as it’s also called). But what is it, and what makes it different from other shower enclosures out there, especially the ones that are built-in? Here’s your best guide to shower cubicles and cabins and their many benefits.

What are they?

First of all, a shower cubicle or cabin is a self-contained unit and a unit often includes walls, a shower tray, and a door. You can even have a shower cabin built with some extra features, such as a showerhead (usually a rain showerhead), body and massage jets, or steam functions. Some of the more advanced models even have Bluetooth and aromatherapy capabilities. But everyone can agree that both shower cabins and enclosures are designed to create a private space for showering and can be installed in any bathroom.

Their benefits

  • Saves on space

One of the biggest benefits of a shower cubicle is that it can save space, especially in smaller and more compact bathrooms. With a cubicle or cabin, you don’t need to worry about leaving enough space for a shower and a separate bathtub. They’re also ideal for ensuite bathrooms or creating a separate shower area in a larger bathroom.

  • Easy to install

Shower cubicles are generally much easier to install – often, all it takes is a day or two at most, and it can be done without the need for extensive plumbing work. Most have straightforward and clear instructions for assembly and fitting and can be installed by a professional plumber or even a competent DIYer. This means you can have a new shower area in your bathroom much more quickly than if you were to build one from scratch.

  • Easy to maintain

Unlike standard shower enclosures, shower cubicles and cabins are generally easy to maintain. They don’t require caulking or grout, which can be difficult to clean – and even deteriorate over time. Since these cabins have smooth surfaces, they are easy to clean, and you can simply wipe down the walls of the cabin or cubicle with a squeegee or cloth after use.

  • A versatile shower

Shower cubicles and cabins are available in a range of styles and sizes, from highly-compact designs for smaller bathrooms to larger, more luxurious units. They also come with different features, such as built-in seats, LED lighting, or aromatherapy, so you can create a shower area that’s fully tailored to your requirements.

  • Hygienic

One aspect you may not know about shower cubicles is that they can be more hygienic than standard shower setups. Since they are self-contained, you don’t need to worry about water splashing onto other surfaces, and this, in turn, can reduce the likelihood of m mildew or mould forming, which can be a problem in traditional showers.


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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