Here’s How Liverpool’s Continental Style Outdoor Spaces Could Boost Our Economy
Liverpool’s continental style outdoor spaces are what the city needs to bounce back from the Coronavirus outbreak.
Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson has announced plans for a £450k project for the city, with European style outdoor spaces. The plans should mean that Liverpool’s independent restaurants and bars would be able to re-open and trade safely as outdoor spaces are believed to be much better for preventing the spread of Covid-19.
The project will create a new continental style dining experience for the city during the summer months, we just hope that the good weather we’ve experienced so far this year will continue so that businesses have a chance to thrive.
Working with Liverpool BID Company, The Chamber of Commerce and local creatives and designers, the project’s 450k fund will help local independent businesses redesign and develop outdoor spaces, turning them into covered seating areas.
Although restaurants and bars are not likely to open until some time in July there’s plenty time for businesses to start planning and building these spaces so that they are ready to open as soon as the Government confirms it is safe to do so.
It’s more positive news for Liverpool following the announcement that £2 million has been pledged towards 7 pop-up cycle routes around the city. Encouraging people to cycle to and from work will also help in the fight against the virus, with the hope that less people will have to travel on public transport.
More details about both of the announcements will follow in the coming weeks.
For more information visit the Liverpool BID Comapny website.
If you want to support Liverpool Independent restaurants and bars currently, then have a read of Our Favourite Independent Liverpool Restaurants Open For Delivery and Collection and Alcohol Deliveries During Lockdown.