
2022 Eyewear Trends About to Hit Liverpool Nights Out

Liverpool’s city centre is ready to rock in 2022 as revellers make up for lost time with everything from live music gigs to huge club nights. Getting ready for such momentous parties can be a serious undertaking, and everything from clothing to VIP lists to hair and makeup is a consideration. One other increasingly important aspect of going out in 2022 is what sort of eyewear to rock. Here are just some of the eyewear trends that party people will be rocking in the ‘Pool this year.

Liverpool River Mersey Piqsels
Liverpool city centre is abuzz with these new eyewear trends, many of which are taking dancefloors by storm.

Contact Lenses with a Twist

Contact lenses are nothing new, and it is often impossible to tell if a clubber is wearing contacts or going au naturel. Of course, clubbing and going out in general is always more comfortable when you don’t have to worry about having your glasses knocked off and trampled on. To this end, many providers of clinically approved and big brand contact lenses online are now offering much more than just the standard prescription daily and monthly lenses that people know and love. There is now a whole raft of coloured lenses, which an increasing number of party goers on the Liverpool scene are rocking. It’s important to note that clubbers should only wear lenses that are approved by opticians and which are crafted to the highest standards, because this way they will get the benefits of enhanced eye colour without having to worry about reduced vision or irritation. High quality-coloured lenses come in daily and monthly options, with the former being the best for clubbers as they can simply throw them away before they go to sleep; this way, they avoid damaging their eyes overnight.

Contact Lens Piqsels
Eyewear trends should never be to the detriment of good eyecare and eyesight, so only using lenses from trusted sources is the right way to go

Cat Eye Frames All the Rage

Fashion designers and eyewear experts are always taking inspiration from historical fashion trends and so it makes sense that some of them continue to get recycled. One that is really picking up a following on social media and out on the streets is that of cat eye frames, which are a trend that offer a stylish touch that screams both fun and sophistication. Although these sorts of frames tend to be best suited to women, there will be plenty of male party goers sporting cat eye frames as well this season. Anyone who wears these flamboyant frames will find themselves  channelling their inner Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn.

Hipster, Oversized, and Browline Frames

While women are flaunting their beautiful cat eye frames, men will be choosing from a much wider range of frames which include hipster glasses and oversized frames, as well as browline frames. Hipster glasses have been around for a while now, giving that distinctive look that screams creativity. Oversized frames are something of a new trend and take a daring person to pull them off. There are only certain face and head shapes that these frames compliment, so it is always worth finding a good optician that can give you sound advice.

Last but not least, there are the browline frames. These only have a frame on the top half of a lens rim, so that they give extra prominence to the wearer’s brow and show off more of the face, eyes and cheeks. Of course, all these frames need to be carefully incorporated into a wider fashion sense and style.


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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