
Unique Gift Ideas They’ll Love For Any Occasion

Some of us are great at giving the perfect gift to every person for every occasion from a 21st birthday to a silver wedding anniversary, while others of us struggle to think of the right thing to buy even our nearest and dearer, especially if we want to impress. If you are more the latter than the former, though, there is no need to worry because, below we’ve put together a guide to some of the most unique and interesting gift ideas your loved ones are sure to…well, love.

1. Experience-Based Gifts

A good place to start on our journey to gift-giver-in-chief is to think about giving experiences rather than stuff. When you think about it, a once-in-a-lifetime experience is not likely to end up in the back of the cupboard like most unloved gifts, is it? In an era where experiences trump material possessions, gifting a one-of-a-kind experience can be a heartwarming gesture that shows you really care and that you have put some serious thought into your gift. The key is to match the experience to the recipient’s interests, so if they love cars, then you might buy them a Formula One driving experience or if they love adventure, you might book them on a skydive or hot air ballooning trip. If you know them, then it shouldn’t be too difficult to get it right.

2. Personalised Number Plates

You might be thinking that personalised plates, like these DVLA Number Plates would be great for a petrolhead but not so great for anyone else, and sure, if the recipient does not have a car, it might be a bit of a weird choice, but personalised number plates, otherwise, can be a great gift for anyone. For example, if you have a sister who is cuckoo over her cat, then getting a personalised plate with the cat’s name would be a great and unusual gift that she most likely will not be expecting, but which she will be sure to love.

3. Virtual Reality Art Class

For the creative souls in your life, gift them an immersive experience in the world of art through a virtual reality art class. Not only will this encourage them to really get into their hobby in a big way, and show them that you believe in their talents, but it will also enable them to try out those things they have always wanted to from sculpting to painting with oils.

If art isn’t their thing, then you can get them classes in writing, car repair, or DIY instead., Again, it is all about tailoring to the person you are looking to buy for.

4. Star Naming Kit

If you’re looking for a gift that is touching, romantic, and about as thoughtful as you can get, then naming a star after someone is a great way to go about it because, let’s face it, who would not want to look up into the twinkling light sky and know that someone cared about them enough to name one of those stunning celestial bodies after them?

5. Restaurant Vouchers

Vouchers often get a bad rap as being rather impersonal, but we all have to eat, so gifting someone a voucher to a nice place to eat is always going to go down well, even if they are not foodies. Just make sure that if they’re vegan you choose a place that does good vegan food or if they love pizza, you get them a voucher for that great Italian place and you really can’t go wrong.

6. Personal Soundtrack Composer

Okay, so this one is a bit out there, but imagine having a day in your life accompanied by a personalised soundtrack, composed just for you. Hire a musician to create a tailor-made piece of music, resonating with the recipient’s personality, interests, or a special moment in their life. It is a touching gift that will show that you have put a lot of time and thought into their special occasion, and they are sure to treasure it forever, especially if they are a music fan.

The key to buying a perfect gift for anyone, for any occasion, is to think about who the person is and what they’re into, and then go for a related, but not so obvious gift, so although the ideas here are all excellent places to start, they are just as good as initial inspiration to help you pick out the perfect gifts, not just once, but every time, Happy shopping!


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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