Shout About It Live Music and Gig Photography Festival Announces Set Times
Do you fancy watching some amazing bands for just £1 each? Shout About It Live returns for its second year on 18 and 19 August and your weekend ticket price means that you pay just £1 per band over the two day event!
The festival takes place at Constellations in the Baltic Triangle and will see some of the best up and coming acts around, including Himalayas, REWS, Tom Speight and M.A.N.E. The one of a kind event was created by Georgia Flynn, a gig photographer who has combined her love of photography and live music by showcasing gig photographers from around the world alongside two full days of live music.
The weekends set times have now been revealed (below) but you can also expect photography talks in the wonderful Constellations garden space as well as an extensive exhibition of gig photography.

There’s still time to grab your tickets before next weekends event, with day tickets and weekend passes available from Skiddle – https://www.skiddle.com/whats-on/Liverpool/Constellations/Shout-About-It-Live-2018/13108632/