Culture in LiverpoolMusic

Milap Arts School Returns To Liverpool This Summer

Based in Liverpool, the Milap Arts School has become a cornerstone for education and career pathways in Indian Arts. This term-time education programme offers weekly classes in a diverse range of Indian performing arts, catering to students eager to immerse themselves in rich cultural traditions.

The Arts School’s curriculum is comprehensive, featuring an array of classes in both classical and folk disciplines. Students can delve into the intricate rhythms and expressive movements of Bharatanatyam and Kathak, or explore the vibrant energy of various Indian Folk Dances. For those inclined towards music, the school offers instruction in Tabla, Veena, and both Carnatic and Hindustani vocal styles.

Milap’s approach is uniquely versatile, providing both face-to-face and virtual classes. This hybrid model ensures that students receive a professional and flexible learning environment that fosters growth and potential, regardless of their geographical location.

One of the standout features of the Milap Arts School is its commitment to providing students with unparalleled access to some of the world’s leading Indian music and dance stars. Through exclusive masterclasses, students gain first-hand knowledge and inspiration from performers featured in Milap’s concert series. These sessions are designed not just to teach but to inspire, offering glimpses into the dedication and artistry required to excel in these fields.

Milap Arts School

Supported learning is a key aspect of Milap’s educational philosophy. Experienced tutors and industry professionals guide students through their artistic journeys, ensuring they receive high-quality instruction and mentorship. This supportive environment nurtures the talents of aspiring artists and engages inquisitive students, providing memorable and inspirational experiences that are integral to their artistic development.

Milap’s Arts School stands as a beacon of cultural education in Liverpool, opening doors for students to explore and excel in Indian performing arts. Through its innovative programmes and dedication to excellence, Milap continues to enrich the cultural tapestry of the community, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of Indian arts.

Find out more about Milap’s Arts School at


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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