Liverpool Music ArtistsLiverpool Music SceneMusic

Emilio Pinchi…..In Conversation

We caught up with Emilio Pinchi in a favourable Liverpool hostelry, and between drinks we
chatted about this and that, art and music. And then we talked about his latest release, the
“Holiday” EP, his debut for local label Klee Music…

LN: How does this EP differ from the previous recordings, with regard to recording process, song- writing, subject matter and themes?

EP: This EP was sort of the opposite in a lot of ways. The recording process was easier than
previous releases, mainly because I’m finally starting to get into a good work-flow when it
comes to recording my own stuff. During Voided Hours was a total experiment, and ‘High
Times’/Paint By Number were kind of a half-way point. This EP feels like it all just came
together pretty easily. The songs are still about real things or people or experiences. They all kind of tie together to tell an overarching story. But they differ because the EP ends without any real moral conclusion – it’s like ‘take from it what you want’ I guess.

LN: With regard to the production, what were your reference points?

EP: I’d say probably Mac DeMarco’s last album was a good reference, I love how the songs
are pretty stripped back and direct in terms of the arrangements. Also the snare sound on
that record is super nice, which is something I obsess over a little bit some times.

LN: How would you say your artistic vision is developing in your career?

EP: More and more I’m buying into the whole ‘simple is best/less is more’ thing. Just trying to
apply that to everything I do really, whether it’s cutting out a bunch of unimportant stuff in
a song, or the way I approach a live show. Yeah, less is more for sure.

LN: The “Holiday” EP to these ears, creates its own world. Do you see future projects
continuing along this theme, or perhaps looking for a bigger, expansive sound?

EP: I think each record leads into the next one. I shelved a lot of material working on “Holiday”,
and when I listen back through it all now, I have a much better idea of how I want to
approach some of it. With “Holiday”, I like how there’s nothing in the record that doesn’t
have a reason to be there – so I guess I’d want to carry that on. As far as a bigger or
expansive sounds goes, I’m not too sure. If it didn’t get in the way of the songs then yeah,
totally, why not!

LN: How did the collaboration with Klee Music come about?

EP: It was sort of through chance a little bit. I randomly bumped into Joe from Culture City at
my friend’s art exhibition, and we got talking about music. He put my in touch with Steve
from Klee, and we all basically went the pub and decided it would be really cool to work
together to release Holiday!

LN: Talk us through the tracks on the “Holiday” EP…

EP: So first up is the title track “Holiday”. I imagine it sort of being a conversation with your
drunk/hungover self in the mirror when you’re on holiday. If there was a moral to this story
(which there isn’t), it would be you can’t live your life like you’re on holiday forever. Either
way, I think it’s a nice introduction to the rest of the EP. Drops you right in the middle of the
story and you have to figure out what’s happening.“Coffee” comes up next. I like to picture the EP playing out like a film. So here, we’re back in regular day-to-day life, maybe 6 months later, and you realise you’ve become so absorbed in the mundane and the routine, your life is passing by without any real significance. So the question here is are you okay with that? If not, can you change it? If not, how do you find happiness in a situation that doesn’t make you happy?
‘This Machine’ is the third track. It doesn’t really ask any deep questions, it’s mostly just
describing things. If there was a message behind this song, it would be to maybe put a
little thought into figuring out the motives of the people and the mechanics in place around
you. It uses capitalism as an example – all these cool places and jobs and really positive
things are a direct result, but the overall goal behind it is to generate profit. It’s both a good
thing and a bad thing, and the same goes for everything.
‘White Wine Water Bottle’ is a ridiculous song, it’s just about my friends and a bunch of
stuff I remember happening back in uni. I guess it’s like the equivalent of holiday-blues, like
where you wish you could go back and relive it all or something. But I like it as a final track
to the EP because it kind of reminds me that there is no narrative arc in real life and stuff
really just happens.

LN: We’ve heard that this release is also available on….cassette?

EP: That’s so right, and the cassettes are just amazing. With the cassette format, you get the
extra track “Bruises”. But the great thing is that the cassettes come in a metal box – like the
PIL album, and Klee Music will send you the MP3 for your phone. It’s just so sick! We have
given a couple of copies to Neil Tilly at @81Renshaw Street to display and sell. They are a
work of beauty!

LN: Just like the music! Word also is, your doing a European tour….

EP: I am indeed, first date is in Slovakia on the 2nd Nov, and then I’m playing a few shows
round there, Czech Republic and Austria. I get back to Liverpool just in time for the official
Holiday EP launch show, on the 13th November. That’s happening at 81 Renshaw, and it’s
going to be really really cool.

LN: Plans for 2019?

EP: More music! And a holiday for sure. Definitely!

Emilio Pinchi’s “Holiday EP” is available via pre-sale on the 3rd November 2018 via the Klee Music website, and then on general release on the 9th November 2018. The metal box cassette versions are limited to 30 in number, again via the Klee Music website.
The “Holiday” EP launch show is on Tuesday 13th November 2018, at 81 Renshaw Street
Liverpool. Tickets available from the venue or Klee Music website, £3 in advance, £5 on the door.
Support from “White Little Lies” and “Lydiah”.


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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