The Dos and Don’ts for How to Stop Smoking for Good: Our Expert Tips
Let’s be real, there are no health benefits linked to smoking. In fact, the habit affects practically every organ in the body. Whether you’ve smoked for years and years or recently picked up cigarettes, smoking leads to many kinds of cancer, including the lungs, pancreas, bladder, and kidneys.
Smoking also damages cells that line the heart and blood vessels, meaning blood clots can form more easily. The result of this increases your risk of having a stroke or a heart attack. Cigarette packing constantly reminds us of the dangers of smoking. However, many of us become immune to what’s written down. For those who have woken up and are ready to stop smoking for good, there are certain dos and don’ts involved that will either support you on your journey or see you failing time and time again. To give you the best chance of success, here are some of them to take note of.
DO Set a Quit Date
Once you’ve decided it’s time to quit smoking, it’s wise to give yourself a quit date. We don’t suggest you set this for the next day. This is because you need time to mentally prepare. Should you try and quit overnight, your body may not be ready for the drastic change. For those who have smoked 10 or 20 a day for numerous years will struggle immensely because of this.
When you set a quit date, you’ll have the chance to chuck away any cigarettes and ashtrays. While you may struggle to do this, try and think of the long-term benefits. You can download a stop smoking app and set your quit date. When it arrives, the app can show you all the health advantages you’ll be receiving, even 15 minutes after your last smoke.
DON’T Try to Go It Alone
You may think that you’re on your own when stopping smoking. However, this isn’t the case at all. As you would expect, you are not the only person in the world giving up. But, it can feel that way if you don’t reach out for help. The good news is there are lots of stop-smoking support groups and resources you can use, regardless of where you are in the country.
There are groups you can go to in person. This gives you an opportunity to speak to other people in the same boat as you, as well as get specialist help and support from those who have stopped for good. Make sure to join stop smoking forums. Being part of a community can be a tremendous help in your fight to quitting smoking forever. When you go through a tricky patch or get a craving, don’t hesitate to reach out to other members.
DO Consider Nicotine Replacement Therapy
There is nicotine replacement therapy you can look into on your stop smoking journey. While some people may find they can put down a cigarette and never touch one again, others find they need specialist support and treatment to see them through to the other side. If you resonate with the latter, look into patches, gum, or inhalers. These have nicotine in them and can help you cut down gradually with the goal being to stop for good.
As well as NRT, you may want to look into vaping. Many ex-smokers make the move to vaping which can be a huge support in your stop smoking quest. There are a variety of nic salts and flavours you can try out, so take your time finding the right one for your needs. Due to the number of different flavours that exist, you will be able to find something that represents your tastes. You can also find a vape that works best for your needs. You can purchase pre-filled disposable vapes that you use easily on the go, or you can buy a dedicated device that you charge and fill with various flavours to suit your needs. There are many benefits to vaping for smokers looking to quit, so you should explore your options.
DON’T Give into Temptation
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. Because of this, cravings can be incredibly hard to endure. When you stop smoking and get an urge to light up, your mind will give all kinds of reasons why you should have one. But, if there’s one piece of advice we can give, it’s to never use the excuse ‘it’s only one’. This is because one cigarette leads to another, and another, and another!
You mustn’t give into temptation when stopping smoking. Instead, find ways to distract yourself. You’ll be thankful for it in the long run. For example, if you have a cigarette before heading to bed, try and do something else to keep your mind occupied, like reading a book. When you find things to take your mind off smoking, the cravings will get easier to go through, we promise!
DO List Your Reasons for Stopping
If you haven’t thought of a good reason to stop smoking, it can be very hard to stay on track. There are all sorts of reasons why people pack in cigarettes. For example, the cost of smoking is only continuing to rise so you may find it’s financially unviable to continue the habit. When you write down your reasons and have them staring back at you, this can serve as a stark reminder of why you are quitting in the first place.
Should there be any moments where cravings are getting out of control and you’re struggling to carry on, take a look at your reasons. This should fill you with determination to continue. If you’re a parent, for instance, try and remember all the health benefits you’ll gain from quitting, and of course, being physically well enough to be there for your kids every step of the way.
DON’T Be Discouraged If You Fail
On your stop smoking day, you may be full of enthusiasm, optimism, and ready to kick the habit for good. However, over the following days, this may go all out the window, and you may find yourself lighting up. Should this happen, try not to beat yourself up about it. You’re not the first person to fall and certainly won’t be the last.
Should you have a cigarette, try not to be too disheartened. Instead, dust yourself off and carry on. It may take several attempts to quit for good. If you find yourself falling at the last hurdle, it’s a good idea to look back and see what you could do differently. You may find you started smoking again because you didn’t list your reasons down for quitting or being fully aware of your triggers. Congratulate yourself for the achievements you had made up until the point of smoking. When you begin the journey again, you’ll be armed with the best knowledge and tools to hopefully stop for good.
Giving up smoking is said to be one of the hardest things you can do. However, don’t let this put you off! It is entirely possible and achievable to pack in cigarettes for good. As long as you’re in the right frame of mind and have goals in place, this should help you on your stop smoking journey.
Knowing the dos and don’ts of quitting smoking will give you the knowledge and tips you need to succeed. While there will be rocky patches along the way, try and keep positive, know the reasons behind your quit, and look towards the future. Should you pick up a cigarette at any moment, simply resume your journey until you’ve packed in smoking for good.