Discover Liverpool’s Urban Farm Growing Green Vegetables Under The Streets of the Baltic Triangle
Greens for Good
Greens for Good is a new project from Farm Urban, aiming to grow food that’s good for people and for the planet.
Farm Urban’s recent successful Kickstarter campaign saw people pledge over £25,000. This will go towards the organisation’s aim of getting fresh, healthy greens into every classroom in Liverpool and educate children and young people about where their food comes from. The funds raised also means they’ll be able to produce healthy, locally grown, pesticide free vegetables for the people of Liverpool.
Hyper-Local Healthy Greens for Liverpool
The hyper-local, healthy greens are grown in Liverpool’s first vertical farm located in Liverpool Life Sciences UTC in the Baltic Triangle. Farm Urban founders and bio-scientists Dr Paul Myers and Dr Jens Thomas established the project six years ago to introduce the concept of growing green crops with as little impact on the environment as possible.
It’s the first hydroponic farm (a method of growing plants without soil, instead using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent) in the city. “Using the soilless growing system of hydroponics, we grow food in space-saving vertical towers. Growing under energy-efficient LED lights allows us to grow indoors, year-round, providing fresh, nutritious produce, regardless of the weather. Our produce is 100% pesticide free; it’s grown using 90% less water than if it were grown in a field; it’s zero-waste; and it’s hyper-local.”
Standing at 8 foot high, the vertical towers are home to a variety of lettuce types, chard, kale and a multitude of herbs. And all kinds of fruits, vegetables and plants can be grown using hydrophonics however, Greens For Good opt for leafy greens, as they are the most perishable and often have to travel from warmer climates. By growing food in the Baltic Triangle, providing hyper-local supply to Liverpool City Centre, the vegetables stay fresher for longer and avoid the airmiles.
And this is just the start for Greens for Good, “Our ultimate mission is to create a replicable model that enables communities across the city and beyond to create their own socially-transformative, community-embedded and technologically-advanced sustainable urban farms and education programmes, to empower and reinvigorate communities; building food networks, filling homes with fresh food and creating engaging and meaningful jobs.”
Buy Fresh Green Vegetables
To find out more about Greens for Good and to order your own box of greens grown at the Urban Farm visit https://greensforgood.co.uk/