
Combining Traditional And Alternative Investments – The Balanced Portfolio

In the ever-evolving realm of finance, investors perpetually seek ways to strike a harmonious balance between risk and reward.

Traditional investment avenues, such as stocks and bonds, have long served as the bedrock for wealth creation. Yet, as the financial landscape continues to morph, so too do the strategies of astute investors.

In this concise but illuminating guide, we’ll embark on a journey into the intricate art of merging traditional and alternative investments. Along the way, we’ll unravel the secrets of constructing a well-rounded portfolio: one capable of withstanding the tempestuous tides of the market while savouring the fruits of diversification.

Traditional Investments

Let’s commence with the venerable stalwarts of investment strategies. Traditional investments form the nucleus of many portfolios – and for good reason. This category encompasses stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents, such as money market funds.

1. Stocks: Over the course of decades, the stock market has diligently served as the principal engine of wealth generation. In the United Kingdom, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) stands as the epicentre, where companies seek to secure capital and investors eagerly put their monetary resources to work. Investing in stocks entails acquiring ownership stakes in companies, and subsequently, your returns become inextricably linked to the performance of these companies.

2. Bonds: Bonds, often regarded as a more conservative investment, involve lending money to either corporate entities or governmental bodies. In return, investors receive periodic interest payments and the principal amount upon the bond’s maturity.

3. Cash Equivalents: Cash equivalents, exemplified by money market funds, epitomize ultra-safe investments. These instruments offer liquidity and stability to investors. While they may deliver comparatively modest returns relative to stocks and bonds, they perform a pivotal role in preserving capital and granting easy access to funds as the need arises.

The Case For Alternative Investments

Although traditional investments proffer a robust foundation for your portfolio, they’re not without their own set of limitations and risks.

The primary challenge revolves around diversification. Relying solely on stocks and bonds can leave your portfolio susceptible to the caprices of market vicissitudes. This is precisely where alternative investments make their entrance.

1. Real Estate: Real estate has long assumed a prominent role within the realm of alternative investments. Engaging in real estate entails investing in physical properties, real estate investment trusts (REITs), or real estate crowdfunding platforms. Such investments offer diversification and the potential to generate consistent income through rental yields and property appreciation.

2. Hedge Funds: Hedge funds represent actively managed investment vehicles that employ diverse strategies to engender returns. They frequently allocate capital across a spectrum of assets, encompassing stocks, bonds, derivatives, and alternative assets like commodities and currencies.

3. Private Equity: Private equity involves the deployment of capital into privately held companies as opposed to publicly traded ones. Private equity firms often acquire ownership or substantial stakes in businesses, steering them through active management and growth phases before ultimately divesting them for a profit.

4. Commodities: Tangible assets, such as gold, oil, and agricultural products, manifest as commodities and serve as effective hedges against inflation and economic tumult. Investing in commodities appends an additional layer of diversification to your portfolio – and one that suits your inclinations and budget. For instance, you can begin accumulating a tangible stock of precious metal investments by opting to buy silver coins or gold bullion through reputable sellers like Physical Gold.

5. Cryptocurrencies: Recent years have witnessed the meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum within the sphere of alternative investments. These digital assets, while marked by pronounced volatility, proffer the promise of substantial returns and have attracted a new wave of investors gravitating toward digital financial instruments.

Building A Balanced Portfolio

Having traversed the spectrum of both traditional and alternative investments, the question that lingers revolves around how to amalgamate these assets into a coherent and balanced portfolio.

1. Define Your Investment Goals: The bedrock of your portfolio strategy should harmonise seamlessly with your financial goals. Are you in pursuit of long-term growth, a consistent income stream, or capital preservation? Clarifying your objectives serves as a compass that guides your asset allocation decisions.

2. Diversify Across Asset Classes: The cardinal rule of portfolio construction is diversification!. By dispersing your investments across a range of asset classes, you lower the risk of encountering substantial losses within any one sector. In the event of a downturn in stocks, for instance, real estate or bonds may serve as a stabilising force.

3. Assess Risk Tolerance: Candid introspection is indispensable in gauging your tolerance for risk. Alternative investments often carry an elevated level of risk relative to their traditional counterparts. Consequently, it’s vital to honestly appraise your appetite for risk when it comes to determining the extent to which you would like to invest.

The Pros And Cons Of A Balanced Portfolio

Similar to any investment strategy, the concept of constructing a balanced portfolio that seamlessly melds traditional and alternative investments harbours its own set of benefits and disadvantages.


Diversification: The method of spreading investments across a panoply of asset classes effectively insulates against significant losses within any single class.

Risk Mitigation: Traditional investments enrich portfolios with stability, while alternative investments can potentially yield supplementary returns or serve as hedges against market volatility.

Income Generation: The marriage of bonds, real estate, and other income-generating assets imparts a consistent stream of cash flow.

Potential for Enhanced Returns: Alternative investments, while fraught with greater risk, may bestow the prospect of elevated returns, thereby elevating the overall performance of your portfolio.


Complexity: The management of a balanced portfolio is notably intricate in comparison to a straightforward buy-and-hold strategy. It requires constant vigilance, monitoring, and adjustments.

Heightened Costs: Certain alternative investments, including hedge funds and private equity, are associated with augmented fees and expenses.

Risk of Capital Erosion: Alternative investments can engender higher volatility and illiquidity, elevating the risk of partial or total loss of invested capital.

Limited Accessibility: Some alternative investments may remain inaccessible to retail investors or mandate substantial minimum investments.

The Importance Of Flexibility

One of the most valuable attributes of a balanced portfolio lies in its intrinsic flexibility. In short, it can be recalibrated to align with the flux of market conditions and evolving investor inclinations. This malleability manifests in several ways:

Understanding Market Cycles: Attuned to the nuances of economic cycles, you can tailor your portfolio allocation accordingly. During a bull market, widening your exposure to stocks and alternative investments may result in capital growth. On the other hand, amidst economic instability (or a bear market), a pivot toward bonds and cash equivalents may provide a bastion of safety.

Accommodating Risk Tolerance: As your risk tolerance shifts over time, your portfolio can mirror this transformation. A balanced portfolio is the ideal instrument for mirroring your evolving risk appetite. For instance, as retirement looms, a gradual reduction in stock exposure coupled with a surge in bonds and cash equivalents may be the best course of action.

Inflation Mitigation: Given perpetual concerns regarding inflation, alternative investments such as commodities can play the role of an effective hedge. In anticipation of rising inflation, adjusting your portfolio to encompass a greater share of commodities can potentially shield your purchasing power.


In the dynamic sphere of finance, the adaptation and evolution of your investment strategy is indispensable. The fusion of traditional and alternative investments into a balanced portfolio offers the twin rewards of stability and growth potential.

Of course, it’s vital to acknowledge that no universal blueprint exists. Instead, your investment strategy should mirror your unique objectives, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Whether you prefer the role of a conservative investor inclined toward capital preservation or an enterprising investor poised for enhanced returns, a wisely balanced portfolio can help you chart a smooth course through the often capricious waters of the financial world.


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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