5 Steps To Take After Purchasing A Home In Liverpool
Firstly, congratulations on purchasing a home in Liverpool! If you are new to this area, know that you will be joining a vibrant and exciting community of people. Scousers look after their own, and you now join this list. If you lived in Liverpool previously, you would already know this!
Now that you own your own home here, you will need to take a few essential steps. Firstly, you need to deal with selling your previous home if you are a homeowner. If you are a tenant, you will need to notify your landlord and clarify your intentions. Let’s take a look at a few of these essential steps!
Pack And Move!
Once you’ve dealt with all the stuff from your previous address, you will be able to focus on packing and moving to your new home! Whether you are moving to Liverpool for the first time or across the city, there will be a lot to do. Firstly, you should consider if you are packing everything up yourself, or if you will be hiring the moving company to do this for you.
The choice is completely yours, and it may come down to personal preference, and your budget. Either way, you should ensure you have a moving plan in place, and that everything is sorted ahead of time, before the day comes. Similarly, you will need to consider how you will move your boxes. You could hire a van yourself from a local Liverpool dealership, or contact a local moving company to do it for you.
It’s worth asking those in Liverpool who you know what they did. They may be able to offer you recommendations that served them well during their move. In some cases, these recommendations may even come with discounts. You should, essentially, shop around to find the best deal possible and the best quality.
Change The Locks
Once you’ve moved into your home in Liverpool, one of the first things that you should do is change the locks. This isn’t anything against the previous inhabitants of your new home. You don’t know how many people have access to the home over the years. Changing the locks can provide you with the added reassurance that your home will not be accessed by anyone else.
You could change the lock to replace a similar design, or you could look to get a new door with a new type of lock. Many local Liverpool locksmiths can do this for you, for a small fee. While changing up the locks, both on the outside of your home and any inside, it could be a great time to change some of the design choices for your doors.
There is a lot you can do with your doors. For example, you can add new door handles made of specific materials. You should look at the offerings available online from door furniture experts to help you get inspired.
Check For Damage And Inspect The Home
As well as changing up your locks, you should do a general inspection of your home. This will allow you to accurately check for any damage, and find out any areas that you want to improve upon. These improvements could be integral to the structure and security of the home, or it could come down to personal design choices.
You should make checking for any damage a priority before you purchase the home. You should also have a survey conducted so that you’re fully aware of the home’s condition and anything that needs immediate attention. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate to lower the asking price, if there is excessive damage.
Inspect your new home carefully, and list things you notice, or items that need replacing. It’s not just the structure that you should look at, but also the plumbing situation and the electricals. Ensure you are checking out the boiler, and ensure that you are aware of any issues that exist. Get the experts to take a look, and note down anything that you think needs to be looked at. It may be best to get local Liverpool experts to take a look, as they may be better informed and able to provide relevant help.
Notify Your Utility Providers
Moving into a new home means that you will need to move all your bills across. In Liverpool, this will mean informing your local council, your energy company, your internet provider, and any other utilities that you pay for. Ideally, you want to inform them ahead of the move, so that they can make any adjustments for you. This will help you in several different ways. For example, your internet provider can move your internet over on the day you move, ready for you.
With your energy and water providers, it helps ensure that you are only paying for what you use. If you don’t move it over in time, you may still be paying for your old home for the new people who live there, and you will need to pay for your current home eventually, too. Inform everyone ahead of time and prepare for the move to save money, and get more accurate bills.
Not only will this help ensure you are getting more accurate bills, but it will also help ensure that all your utilities are turned on and working when you move in. You should give your energy company at least 48 hours notice and provide meter readings on the day you move out, and the day you move into your new home. Deal with your final bill accordingly, and you will be all set up for your new home.
Meet The Neighbours!
Once all the boring bits are out of the way, the fun can begin! It would be best if you took the time to go and meet the neighbours in your local area. There are numerous benefits to this. Firstly, you will be able to learn more about the area, and find out anything that will be important to know. Not only that, but you may even make some lifelong friends on the journey!
Walking around the neighbourhood and meeting the neighbours also just allows you to see the area more for yourself. This means going down paths you otherwise may not have explored, and finding new green spaces and parks for you and your family to enjoy. Overall, it would help if you took the time to go and explore the local area, even the nearby areas away from your local area, such as the city centre of Liverpool.
You may also be able to find out if there are any local online groups about your community. Mainly, there are many local communities on Facebook for cities, towns, villages and small communities. There are many different ways for you to connect with your neighbours online, and these groups can help you report any local issues, or find out what’s going on. It’s the modern way of showcasing community spirit.