Liverpool’s own Hi, Charity just dropped their debut EP and it will make you want to do good things
It’s quite simple: three brand new tracks, from the project lead by all round musician-producer Rob Langford, from Liverpool, build consistently on the success of previous singles Dopamine and Kids, and speak to the part of you that craves escapism, love and achievement.
And they do this in a clever way that combines a retro upbeat sound, super clean production and an intuition that speaks to the inner, slightly uncertain you, and reassures it that a) it’s going to be ok, and b) the world may be a bit cruel sometimes but we’re still going strong. And more to this, you’ll have fun along the way. It’s peppy, creative and clever and feels heartfelt. Not to mention that opening track Down is really very catchy.
The first two tracks reflect on a mixture of art pop and indie rock and lead you into pleasantly uplifting escapism. They speak to you like a friend: the refrain ‘follow me down/ when you get sick of this town’ in Down allows it to get into your head wrap itself around those little insecurities we all get from time to time, just to bathe them in a comforting rosy light, and remind us all, it’s normal, and lift us up to just enjoy the moments as they unfold. It offers encouragement and a kind of musical unconditional understanding that is refreshingly light hearted.
The last track, Now Your Armies Are Broken, comes from a darker place, but is none the less engaging. In fact, it’s impossible to ignore how much this track wants to urge the listener to seek a ‘higher plane’ and achieve more, resolutely in spite of distinctly uninspiring surroundings. Langford told this reviewer earlier: “Now Your Armies Are Broken is written as a kind of rebellion. It deals with feelings of isolation and disillusionment but expresses the individual can find a higher plain of existence and achieve great things in spite of how society at large can sometimes seem.”
This EP has been a work in progress for roughly about a year, and includes some beautiful and intriguing artwork. “It’s fair to say that the artwork accompanying the EP has an abstract aesthetic, but it concerns itself with themes of growth, union, love, compassion and thriving,” – all in the face of adversity, Rob explains.
Stay tuned for more from Hi Charity, including live shows and further releases,
via Facebook: www.facebook.com/HiCharityOfficial
Twitter: @ScouseCharity
Instagram: @hc_official
and Youtube and support them on Bandcamp: hicharity.bandcamp.com
These are proper class! Can’t wait to hear more from them in the future