
Why Self-Care Is Essential For Mums And Babies

After the kid’s birth, many questions about caring for a newborn arise. And that’s right because the baby’s health depends on care for it, especially during the first days of its life. Until birth, a child is under the reliable protection of a mother. After birth, the parent’s task is to help a newborn adapt to the world around them. Proper care of an infant requires some skills and knowledge. Of course, while talking about the care for babies, the food a kid receives is a top priority. Unlike the common opinion, not every mother can breastfeed and there are various reasons for that. That’s why you should care about the possible alternatives to breastfeeding beforehand. On the organicsbestshop.com website, you can find different best quality organic feeding along with the accessories feeding.  

A young mother must perform various procedures every day, keep the house clean, etc. At the same time, she needs to take care of herself and her needs. Firstly, it is important for good health, and secondly, the care of herself brings enormous benefits to a baby. If a mother is full of energy, she shows more patience. Experts say that there are some simple care rules you should follow to deal with emotional exhaustion to ensure your little one receives enough care and attention.

Collect First Aid Kit

Before the kid’s birth, make sure you have everything you need to care for a newborn at hand:

  • baby oil
  • baby cream
  • baby powder
  • napkins, cotton wool, and wet discs (it is easier to carry out hygienic procedures with them)
  • diapers

Even though a mother devotes all her time to a baby, she should have a first aid kit for herself:

  • cream
  • a bandage that will help the abdominal muscles to recover faster
  • milk sucker
  • pads for feeding

Take Care of your Sleep

For a baby to sleep peacefully, the bedroom should be well-ventilated. Make sure that a kid is comfortable and note that babies do not enter the fast sleep phase immediately, they need 20-30 minutes, so if your little one fell asleep in your arms, do not rush to put it into the bed. Once a baby sleeps, take a nap with it. The most important thing for you, in addition to the kid’s physical condition, is your well-being. Lack of sleep not only spoils the mood and takes away energy, but it also leads to health problems.

Go for a Walk 

You shouldn’t go outside for longer than 15-20 minutes. The street is an unknown space for a baby, and it will take about a month to adapt. Every day you can increase the duration of the walk by a few minutes. Once a kid gets used to the walks, you can use it as your free time. For example, you can use the stroller for training by pushing it, etc. To get the best from such a walk you should be prepared for everything, so you need to take napkins, clothes just in case, baby food, and some toys. If a baby is bottle fed you can take a bottle with hot water so that the formula can stay warm a bit longer. You can find formulas suitable from birth. It’s important to have the best quality formula even though a kid may not become hungry.

Treat yourself with care. Almost every second woman experiences an emotional decline 3-4 days after giving birth. It will inevitably pass with a change in the hormonal balance in the body.  Within 3 weeks after giving birth, the body will adapt to the changes and you will feel better. 


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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