Why People Love Being Closer To Greenness In Their Homes
Things are changing and everyone is noticing. Since the pandemic, there’s been a definite shift where people are moving ever closer to greenness in their homes. It’s not just about aesthetics anymore (although that’s a part of it). It actually goes quite a bit deeper than that.
In this post, we take a look at why people are in love with the idea of being closer to greenness and provide you with some ideas you can include in your home.
The Health Benefits
One leading reason why people are choosing more greenness in the home is the health benefits. It is now becoming abundantly clear that living in stale environments is not good for the human psyche and could actually be causing more harm than good.
The health benefits of adding green to the home are substantial. Most of these involve improving mood. When people are around plants that they recognise, it gives them a sense of wholeness and completeness that synthetic objects can’t match. Even if a home is minimalist, the effects can be substantial. Small amounts of greenery can make a massive difference when placed strategically and in the right zones.
Plants can also improve air quality. Some species collect harmful toxins and gases from the atmosphere and process them (or store them in their tissues). This enhances the effectiveness of indoor air purifiers and can be highly beneficial for anyone looking for a long-term solution to things like allergies and sinus problems.
While plants can remove some CO2 from the air, this isn’t one of their major contributors. That’s because airflow from outside prevents them from reducing it by much. And even if they did, it is unlikely it would benefit your health.
The Connection To Nature
Another benefit of plants for indoor spaces is the connection to nature they offer. Potted shrubs and flowers provide a bridge between the modern and ancient worlds.
Companies like Beards & Daisies know this all too well. Its customers are constantly looking for plants they can use to elevate their spaces and feel more human.
“The connection plants offer to nature can be extraordinary,” the brand says. “Species from across the globe create a sense of homeliness and well-being that’s simply unavailable through any other means.”
When you look at the sheer number of plants and species available, you can understand why this brand would come to this conclusion. Today, plants from across the globe are ready to go, making it possible to add elements from virtually any ecosystem.
Top plants include prayer plants, kentia palms, money trees, and bird-of-paradise. These bring a new sense of reward and freedom to rooms like never before.
“Homeowners are taking the initiative and bringing nature into their properties,” Beards & Daisies explains. “It’s a real trend at the moment and one that we think will continue well into the future as individuals rediscover their roots.”
Getting indoor plants that thrive long-term is no longer the challenge and chore it once was. Imported products used to live on canopy floors can cope with low-light conditions and infrequent watering. Plants may only require direct access to sunlight once every couple of weeks, if at all.
The Better Mood
Part of the appeal of adding greenness to the home is the better mood people experience when they do it. Simply having a little green around can reduce depressive feelings and help individuals feel their best.
“We can’t see into the minds of our customers,” Beards & Daisies continues, “but our guess is that many people are choosing these plants because of how they make them feel. It’s a similar sensation to walking into a forest or watching the jungle go by from a riverboat.”
The degree to which some homeowners are going to use greenery to make themselves feel better is extraordinary. For many, the goal is to create so-called “green walls” in their homes allowing them to enjoy greenery wherever they go. For others, it’s more about creating light and chic spaces that reflect their values.
Either way, the more green people add, the more rewarding the experience becomes. As a mood booster, it is hard to know how anyone could take it too far.
Greenery in the bathroom seems to be particularly effective for various reasons. Adding it to these spaces gives them a sense of joy and peacefulness that’s simply impossible to achieve in any other location.
Increased Creativity
People love being closer to greenness in the home also because of the increased creativity it can instill. Many individuals find that it helps them with other things in their lives, like their work.
For example, working in a bare office is likely to leave your mind blank and make it challenging to focus on the task in front of you. However, if you have greenness everywhere, it might inspire you to think differently about a problem or challenge.
The Looks
Finally, there are people who prefer the look of greenery in their homes compared to standard interior design elements. These individuals enjoy taking care of houseplants and want them to thrive next to their sofas and showers.
While other objects can add touches of life and colour to rooms, greenery is best. It has a unique character that makes spaces more inviting and less stark.
If you’re not sure about adding greenery to your rooms, think about the place you’ve been where they kept a lot of plants indoors and how you felt. Often, you’ll have a sense of relaxation and well-being.
“The challenge for many people is taking the first step,” Beards and Daisies says. “If homeowners aren’t used to putting plants in their homes, it can feel a little strange at first. But it’s one of those things that can prove quite addictive. Once you’ve done it once, you want to continue doing it until you have the interiors of your dreams.”
So there you have it: some of the reasons why people love being closer to greenness in their homes. Is it something you should try?