What is Clubhouse? The New Invite-Only Social Media App That Everyone’s Talking About
Just when we thought we were mastering the world of Instagram, a new social media platform comes along and threatens to change everything. Clubhouse, is taking social media to a new level.
What is Clubhouse?
While everyone is patiently waiting to be invited to the exclusive audio-only social media platform filled with celebrities, there’s also some very interesting conversations happening on there.
In December 2020 Clubhouse had just 3,500 members, now there’s over 600k (seriously, where’s our invite?). Early adopters of the Silicon Valley developed app include Oprah and Drake, so it’s got to be good, right? Us peasants can’t access the app yet as it’s still in private beta mode.
Clubhouse is causing waves with social media fans because it connects people by audio only, arguably bringing back the social side of social media!
Vogue has described the app as “a dizzying bringing together of live podcast-style conversations, panel discussions, networking opportunities.”
In fact, some people have described it like being able to drop in on your favourite podcast and actually contribute towards the conversation. Sounds pretty cool!
It looks like our experiences of using virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams will stand us in good stead for using Clubhouse. In the app, users can enter into different ‘rooms’ to listen or join in on conversations. The person who created the room can allow others to speak with their permission. Who know’s you could end up in a room with Oprah, although it seems unlikely.
How do I get an invite to Clubhouse?
That’s probably one of the most popular questions on the internet right now. When you get an invite to Clubhouse, secure a username and start using the platform, you can then invite one friend. So it could be a slow process. It’s thought that the developers want to roll out slowly so that they can build on the quality of their members and the relationships they develop. According to the app, “We are building Clubhouse for everyone and working to make it available to the world as quickly as possible.”
Keep your eyes peeled on the Clubhouse website to find out when they’ll let us mere mortals join in on the fun!