Top Tasks to Complete Before You Paint the Floors in Your Home
Painting the floor can be a great way to revitalize your home, change the appearance of a room and improve your property. It is not a case of simply opening a can of paint and getting to work, though, as there are a few key steps that you will need to take before you get started. Keep reading to find out what you need to do before you get started with painting the floors.
First, you need to sand the floors. You need to remove everything from the room so that you can sand each inch, including the corners. Even if the floors seem to be in perfect condition, you need to sand the surface to prepare the surface for painting so that the paint will take to the surface. Depending on the size of the floor, you might find that it is best to use a disc sander for this job.
Once you have sanded the floor, you will then want to clean the surface. You can use detergent and water to wash the surface and use bleach if you have any issues with mould. Again, you need to make sure that every inch is cleaned thoroughly. A pressure washer can be a quick, easy, and effective (and fun!) way to clean your floor. You must then leave the floor to dry for however long it takes before moving on to the next stage.
Prime & Paint
The next stage involves laying down a primer on the surface – this allows the first coat of paint to go down to “grip” the surface. Crucially, you need to select a primer that is compatible both with the kind of paint that you want to use as well as the type of floor that you have (wood, concrete etc). You must also make sure that you choose a reputable brand of floor paint to guarantee the best results.
Top Coat
The final stage is to put down a top coat on the surface. A top coat will provide another layer of protection for the floor, smooth out any surface imperfections and provide a nice glossy finish to the surface.
These are the main steps that you need to take when planning to paint your floors. Painting the floors can be a highly effective way to change a space and improve the look and feel of a room, but it is also vital that you know the process that you need to go through to get the best results. To paint the floor, you need to make sure that you follow the right steps so that you can get the best results, make sure that the paint takes to the floor and ensure long-lasting results.