SKIA Releases Scandipop EP Apricot And It’s The Perfect Soundtrack To Summer
Liverpool-based Norwegian Scandipopper, SKIA, released her debut EP Apricot on 1 May, flawlessly timed for the sunny days ahead. Released via indie label Heist or Hit, the seven-track EP is sure to give you summer festival blues (for all the right reasons!).
SKIA has managed to tick off all essential ingredients for the perfect playlist: bookended by two strong a cappella tracks with gorgeous harmonies, you’ll find a cheeky breakup song, a self-love anthem, and a heartbreaking ballad. Singles Anyone and IDWTAI have already received extensive praise from the industry, and as an added bonus, you can catch a glimpse of our beloved Liverpool in the ‘badass’ video for Anyone.
Watch SKIA – Anyone (Official Video)
From start to finish, the EP features extremely catchy and relatable lyrics, powerful but airy vocals similar to those of Lana Del Rey and fellow Scandipopper Robyn, and arabesque-like melodies. The token ballad Ferris Wheel provides beautiful imagery of the ups and downs of long-term relationships, followed by the welcome change of pace of IDWTAI, which should get you up on your feet and dancing away your anxieties.
Finding myself singing along to these tracks after just a couple of listens, I predict Apricot will be added to many a summer playlist this year. With synthy tunes and lyrics anyone could relate to, this EP is the ultimate pick-me-up alongside a fruity cider or cocktail in the sun.
You can stream Apricot now on Spotify.
Follow SKIA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Rach Hankin