Pleasure Island Return With Their Powerful Second Single Help Me NHS
Back after their blistering debut single The Game, heavy-hitting duo Pleasure Island are back. As if to wake us all back up, Help Me NHS is a slap in the face.
With its simple message it’s a straight-up punk rock track designed to solidify the importance of our public services. Toeing the line between personal and political, frontman Sean Ekins has battled in the past with his own difficulties such as the ongoing search for a permanent drummer and his own transoceanic challenges (not to mention narrowly avoiding being blown up in a BBQ accident along with half of his house).
The true message of the bygone days of rock and roll has returned. With their flavour of punk and guitar based madness, armed with the raw basics of drums, guitar and vocals, they’ve made a name for themselves in Australia where Liverpudlian Ekins originally formed the group under a different banner before returning and beginning to bring his ideas to the forefront of Liverpool’s music scene and make sense of some of the adventures that Pleasure Island have both endured and created.
Now with a solid line-up, it seems Pleasure Island are ready to make a stand. Stemming from the buzz of their onstage presence, they distribute streamlined messages of brilliance, with Help Me NHS set to be released on June 5 on digital platforms, you’ll have to wait to hear news of their release party. Their music is energetic, poignant and not in the least bit delicate. So, if you’re ready for 3 minutes worth of catchy riffs and pounding drums, linked with the to-the-point vocals of the post punk world, make sure to experience this for yourself!
Listen To Pleasure Island Help Me NHS
Pleasure Island Help Me NHS is available to stream on all major platforms now. Listen on Spotify.
Follow Pleasure Island on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Pleasure Island are featured as one of our Liverpool Bands You Should Be Listening To In 2020.
Michael Fell