Paul Wilkes 'River Running With Me' EP Review
The new EP by the accomplished singer-songwriter Paul Wilkes features three soft and beautiful tracks, ideal for days when you just want to sit back with some soothing music on. Paul’s voice is clear and soulful, ideal for these fabulously well produced pieces. With suitably subtle yet luminous backing featuring guitar, strings or piano, all the songs work perfectly to showcase the lyrics. The tracks have a personal feel, essential in this type of music, which give them the feeling of depth and sincerity. I think ‘Last Wish’ was my personal favourite, although it was difficult to choose between the songs, as the EP contained such strong material. If you like well-crafted melancholy with thoughtful, intelligent lyrics, this EP will hit the mark. Paul has a talent for this sort of lyrical excellence and a voice worthy of the smooth, graceful pieces of music he creates.
Listen To ‘River Running With Me’ On Soundcloud & Follow Paul on Twitter.
You Can Catch Paul Playing Live At View Two Gallery On 27th March.
Roxy Gillespie