How to Make the Most of a Short City Break
A city break can be a fantastic trip. You’ll see all the sights, go to some wonderful restaurants, stay in a fantastic hotel, drink in some of the best bars, and more. However, a city break needs to be well organised. It isn’t so easy getting everywhere you want to go in a short span of time, and you may also have budget constraints to think of. That means you need to be prepared. Let’s discover a few ways you can make the most of a city break.
Central Accommodation
You may see a beautiful hotel on the city’s outskirts that has all the amenities you could want, or it may even be a lot cheaper, but there are probably better options for a short city break. A central hotel is your best choice. It will save you so much time getting to the main sightseeing locations, and it will also save you a lot of travelling money. Taxis, trains, and trams all add up and they are not cheap in the middle of the city. So, what you save by going to a cheaper hotel on the outskirts, you lose on travel fares, as well as time.
Pre-Save Restaurants, Cafes, Bars
It pays to do your research before you go. Just looking for a suitable and recommended restaurant can waste a lot of time. So, get on Google Maps and hunt about for great places to eat and drink, then bookmark them for later. You can then organise your day with these places en route.
Pre-Book Tickets
The last thing you want is to waste time standing in long queues. To avoid this, book tickets for all the shows and attractions you wait to go to online in advance. Often you get a pass and an online discount, too, which is great. Also, by knowing where and when you are going to be, you can organise your day better. Organisation, after all, it is the key to doing everything you want.
Public Transport
You should be able to pick up a public transport pass which allows you to get on buses, trams and trains. It is far quicker just to scan your pass every tie rather than having to buy a ticket at each station or on the bus. If you are centrally located, you won’t need to get a pass that extends all the way out to the outskirt, such as one that extends to zone 6 in London. Investigate your options when it comes to public transport. A day or a week pass is generally a lot cheaper than purchasing individual tickets every time.
Before you take your trip, organise your days. Plan routes, the transport you’ll need, the restaurants on the way, the attractions you want to see, etc., all in advance. No one wants to be planning the morning or while they are supposed to be enjoying the sights. On the last day after you have booked out, find a luggage storage place close to your hotel so you can have a decent last day without hauling luggage about. Don’t become a slave to the itinerary, though. If you see something you never knew about and it isn’t on the plan, go there. You can always catch up later. There is nothing wrong with going a little off-piste, as this is part of the fun of a city break.
Stay with a Local
If you really want a true and authentic city break experience, you could always try and find a place to say with a local. Airbnb is a great way to do this, and so is Couchsurfing. With Couchsurfing, you benefit from a community of like-minded people, and it is the perfect way to find someone in a city you want to see who can show you about.
City Bikes or Scooters
Most cities have the options to pick up a bike or scooter these days. This can make exploring the city so much more fun. It gives you a chance to go through parks so much quicker, as well as use the roads if you’re brave enough and avoid busses and trams. It may be worth downloading a bike sightseeing tour and doing it yourself. It is the perfect thing to go off the road but travel faster than walking and still see everything and get a sense or feel for a place you ant get n public transport. Before you go, see if the city you want to go to has this facility.