‘Friends Of The Flyover’ Project Aims To Turn Flyover Into Urban Park
The ‘Friends Of The Flyover’ project are raising money in an aim to turn Liverpool’s Flyover into a beautiful urban park. Much like New York’s Highline park, it could offer the city a thriving green space in the heart of the city and an iconic attraction for visitors.
The Flyover is the ultimate in urban re-purposing & regeneration, delivered by citizens coming together to conceive, develop & implement.
The plan is to take an existing structure and create an urban walkway/park that costs less its proposed demolition. The Friends of The Flyover vision is to deliver a public space of benefit to residents & visitors, connecting neighbourhoods & civic buildings with the rest of the city & world famous waterfront.
Churchill Way is two roads & two pedestrian routes; current plans to redirect traffic mean there is a proposal to demolish the structure. It doesn’t seem right to spend £3-4 million & see nothing in return, so we used our design talent to propose something different.
FOTF held a series of public presentations & been overwhelmed with the positive response from councillors, council staff, museums, businesses & people from all walks of life throughout the city.
Their next step is a full feasibility study and this is what they are raising funds for with this Spacehive project. Now’s the time to pledge and help get this project off the ground.
For more information on the project and to donate, click here.
To visit the Friends of The Flyover Website click here.