As many of us well and truly know summer has been christened with the title ‘Festival Season’ and with many people jetting off to the likes of Glastonbury and Leeds it’s very easy to find yourself in a gloom watching the highlights on TV. However never fear because the glory of living in Liverpool is the showcases of culture it provides which includes this year’s fortnight long festival; Flux Festival.
What is Flux festival? It is a showcase of multi-arts performances and events which can be seen in real life or even accessed online. It promises to provide literary events, film’s, music, gaming and visual arts throughout the whole festival, so whether you’re a secret bookworm or film fanatic you’ll be sure to find something worthwhile here.
Although the full festival programme has not yet been released (expected in July) what has to be admired is that this festival was completely engineered by young people. Their aim is to “nurture creativity and ‘entrepreneurialism’ in young people” and with the variety of things they’re providing for us, I think they’ll do just that. It is in collaboration with 30 arts organisations so we can expect a lot of variation and difference as well as excellence in the different arts exhibited this July.
Another wonderful thing about this festival is that young people can also get involved within all areas of the festival. So if you have ever wanted to know what it’s like to work at a festival this could help you gain experience, or for the more ‘artier’ one’s you have the chance to learn in depth about Liverpool’s arts as well as gaining knowledge in creative industries.
So in one whole package you’ve got a chance to see what brilliant things a group of young minds can pull together. With over 65 live events to look forward to, as well as events being posted online, I think it’s a promise that this festival will provide the cultural kick we’ve been looking for.
They are soon to be providing an app and guide which will provide tons of information but for now you can find out more on:
Olivia Murphy