Cal Ruddy Set To Release The EdenHurst Session EP
Hot off the press and starting 2022 off with a bang, is the new EP on Klee Music from rising star Cal Ruddy. Cal has enjoyed some success to date after winning the Best Live Entertainer at The Liverpool Lifestyle Awards in 2019 and releasing his debut album Elliston Place which was well received in music circles.
His rich vein of form has continued into 2022 with the release of new songs from The Edenhurst Session.
Kicking off the EP is the melancholy track Been Here Before. Lyrically, Cal muses on the ever familiar tale of going round in circles with someone. The story is backed up with catchy guitar chords and his vocals sit perfectly in the song, each line laying out a scenario for the listener.
The soft, catchy introduction of Breaking Your Little Heart immediately catches your attention as Ruddy’s storytelling lyrics once again come to the fore, this time dealing with a broken heart. The repetition of lyrics is a clever ploy as it would be easy and inviting for an audience to sing along when playing live.
His third song You’re Not Alone begins with a relaxing fingerpicking style which sets the melancholy mood of the rest of the song. His infectious vocals again follow the same pattern, echoing a story throughout. This song is a little more downbeat than the others, but still is perfect for a breakup playlist!
Next up is Buying Time. This is one of many of Ruddy’s songs which utilities his impressive skills in writing a song about breaking up. Ruddy himself describes it as being ‘trapped in your own head’ and feeling pressure. His high reaching vocals are prominent, especially in the chorus and he seems to be searching for answers as his voice stretches out.
The fifth and final song from the EP is Mine Is and personally, I think it’s the best track on the EP. The lyrics are straightforward but effective, his words infectious and thought provoking, as he describes someone special in his life. This is backed up with his accentuated strumming pattern and, as the song fades out, it slowly decreases in speed, ending the EP in the perfect way.
The EP is very pleasing to the ear and has a real feeling of nostalgia. Something that can take the listener back to happy times. Lyrically, Ruddy explores many topics, heartbreak, love, frustration, yet within these sentiments of gloom there is a sense of hope and happiness. His vibe is truly infectious and anyone who is lucky enough to hear this will be left with a feeling that they want to hear more from the artist Cal Ruddy.
Cal Ruddy’s EdenHurst Session is available via the Klee Music website on Friday 28 January 2022.
Oisín McAvoy