Bongo’s Bingo Marks 10 Years With The Ultimate Party Weekend in Liverpool
Bongo’s Bingo will reach its 10th anniversary in 2025. The biggest, wildest and most outrageous shows ever with Jonny Bongo holding court take place at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March 2025.
The full details are being kept tightly under wraps. But what’s currently known is the double-whammy weekend will be jam-packed with spectacular Bongo’s Bingo surprises, nostalgia and mayhem, with everything amped up to the absolute max including the production, prizes and music to create the ultimate immersive bingo experience.
It’s mind-boggling to comprehend the impact Bongo’s Bingo has had in reaching this magical moment. How to quantify the impact the UK’s original bingo rave phenomenon has made? How to measure the definitive competitive socialising night out’s resonance in the UK’s pop-culture fabric? And that resonance reaches far – don’t forget Hollywood superstar Samuel L Jackson dropping into Glasgow to dish out the glowsticks, to local legends Ricky Tomlinson and Sue Johnson calling bingo with Jonny in Liverpool for their TV show.
Because since its humble origins in Liverpool back in spring 2015, Bongo’s Bingo has expanded across the UK selling over 5 million tickets, taking place in over 70 UK locations to far-flung fun and frolics in Ibiza, New York, Dubai and Australia. During this time Bongo’s Bingo has proudly and lovingly reinvented the quaint pastime for a new generation, a generation which spans everyone from 18 to 97 years old – yes here’s to you, Anne Gandy. It unites people from all walks of life in a wild social extravaganza. There’s truly nowhere else like Bongo’s Bingo to be immersed in hours of pure escapism, hedonism and a gigantic dollop of nostalgia.

The award-winning Bongo’s Bingo is the most talked about night out in the UK, its unique formula the heart of endless weekend plans – friends, families and colleagues sharing the time of their lives. Because who doesn’t want to be on stage basking in adulation for smashing The Killers’ Mr Brightside with a chorus of 1500 people? Or bouncing arm in arm with new friends during the rave round? And let’s not forget around 6000 Henry Hoovers have been won. Something like 50,000 d*ckhead false calls called out, give or take. And enough eco-friendly confetti to fill 17 Olympic-sized swimming pools. And hang on, who was that guy who won the dance off? Endless mad moments have been shared at water-coolers and in reels across the UK. It’s been some journey this, so far. And it’s only just beginning.
Jonny Bongo says: “This is it. I’m so proud for us to be announcing our 10th birthday shows where this all began – in Liverpool. I mean, hang on – ten years of Bongo’s Bingo?! It’s crazy, from starting off here with a Fray Bentos pie as a prize to going around the world and back again, to being on this crazy adventure. So for this we are going absolutely all out. These are going to be the most bonkers Bongo’s Bingo parties anyone has ever seen. We’re not giving much away, very little really – it’s something if you want to be part of, just trust us and join in. Reaching a decade feels genuinely surreal and I want to say huge thanks for everyone who supports us everywhere we are. We work so hard to create something special that everyone adores and wants to come back to and these 10th birthday shows are for the fans. The history of Bongo’s Bingo, why people love it so much, will be celebrated as we start a new decade. It’s going to be class.”
The festivities will reverberate across the country, with all locations joining in unison for quite simply the biggest, loudest and craziest ever jamboree. Get ready. It’s coming.
Tickets go on sale Friday 29 November at bongosbingo.co.uk.
Bongo’s Bingo – The 10th Birthday
Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March 2025
Exhibition Centre Liverpool, King’s Dock, Port of Liverpool, Liverpool, L3 4FP
Doors Open: 6pm / Last Entry: 7:30pm / First game of bingo: 8pm