Budding Photographers Offered Analogue Photography Basics Course
Investing in online photography courses that are 6 weeks long is ideal for people who want to know more about using their camera and understand the basic principles of photography and darkroom processing.
This 6 week short course is aimed at people who want to know more about using their camera and understand the basic principles of photography and darkroom processing.
The course is £120 for 6 weeks and includes an extra 6 hours in the dark room free of charge so you can further your learning in group setting outside of course hours. Classes will run from 6:00pm – 8:30pm on Tuesdays. Places are limited and will be first come first served. The course will commence when participants are recruited.
Email Emma at [email protected]for more information.
The 88, Constellations, 35-39 Greenland Street, L1 0BS