Global Scouse Day 2015; Saturday 28th February
Are you proud of Liverpool but unsure how to show it? Do you look at holidays like St Paddy’s Day and Burns Night with an overwhelming jealousy? Fancy a pan of scouse and need an excuse to eat more of it?
Then you’ll be made up to discover that Saturday 28th February is Global Scouse Day. A day dedicated solely to the culinary success that is scouse. How boss is that?
And taking part couldn’t be easier. As the event’s very own website declares: “just ‘ave yerself some scouse”.
It’s the brainchild of local film-maker and video-director Graham Hughes who set off around the world in 2009 with an ambition to make a world record and returned in 2012 with the idea for Global Scouse Day. Oh and the Guinness World Record for having visited every country in a single trip without flying.
The idea was a very simple one: a day to celebrate and enjoy the stewy deliciousness of scouse. What started as a get-together of friends in Graham’s kitchen with a solitary pan of scouse has boiled over on a city-wide scale, with restaurants, bars and cafes putting scouse on the menu and running various events and competitions.
This year there’s even more restaurants and eateries all across the city getting involved including Liverpool One Bridewell, Lunya, Maggie Mays, Lucha Libre, East Avenue Bakehouse, The Hub, The Fat Budgie, The Yacht Club, Frederiks, Fuel Station, The Side Door, The Bootroom Anfield, The Baltic Social and loads more.
Follow Global Scouse Day on Twitter or Facebook or visit their Official Website and find out where to pick up a bowl of scouse.