Krewe Liverpool 2020 – The Mardi Gras Experience: Krewes Announced and How To Get Involved
Krewe Liverpool is a surreal masquerade ball with music, dance, costume and carnival, housed in Sefton Park’s iconic Palm House and ahead of the inaugural event organisers have announced more information about how you can get involved with their surrealist masquerade ball.
Traditionally the festivities, balls and parades arranged for the New Orleans’ Mardi Gras were created by social organisations or clubs known as “Krewes”. The term “Krewe” was originally coined by ‘The Mystic Krewe of Cosmus’ in 1857, who were the first to parade with themed floats down the streets of their neighbourhood for public viewing. In the early days, members of these Krewes were often from the wealthy elite, and traditionally all male.
Over the years, everything has become more inclusive and today people from all walks of life, and all genders, faiths, races, and ethnicities come together to celebrate at the Mardi Gras parades, following a myriad of Krewes with their various themes and messages. In 1991 a bill was passed that all Krewes must integrate!
Krewe Liverpool aims to follow this structure by uniting local audiences and arts organisations through their own take on the New Orleans’ Krewe traditions, in this inclusive performance-based celebration of local culture. Five local dance and arts organisations have been commissioned to create their own Krewe, each with its own theme, costumes and performance for the event. Ticket holders are welcome to affiliate with any of these Krewes – or are invited to create their own with friends and family. There is just one stipulation – all Krewes must remain positive and inclusive!
Meet the Krewes

From the Invisible Wind Factory, we welcome “The Intergalactic Krunk Krewe”.
World dance organisation Movema bring us “Krewe Movematazz”.
“Krewe Eat Me and Preach” represent Liverpool’s finest queer disco and alternative drag dinner Caberet.
Local lindyhoppers Merseyswing present the “Kick Back Krewe”.
And members of The Kazimier and Mello Mello’s finest marching bands reform to create “The Harlequin Dynamite Ancients of Balance Krewe”.
More information about all the Liverpool Krewes – including their themes and dress codes – are to be announced very soon, and all the Krews involved are encouraged to engage audiences prior to the ball itself; through costume making workshops, dance lessons and more. Watch this space!
For tickets visit The Mellowtone Website