Local Fitness Classes to Get You on The Move
The January fitness commitments are in FULL swing. With the new year upon us, the chances are you’ll be joining hundreds of others around the city embarking on the reluctant after-work-new-gym-membership-pilgrimage. The chances also are, that come mid February many of us will start to think about throwing in the towel, as the ‘new year new me’ impetus begins to wear a little thin… We feel you! No matter how fancy the gym is, or how much our FitBit buzzes at us, our well intended exercise regimes can rapidly become less of a novelty and much more of a chore.
We’re here to shake things up a little. You may not of realised it, but our city is loaded with countless fitness classes and exercise groups for everyone to tap into and keep us all on the move. Whether it’s a leisurely jog you fancy, a soothing yoga class, or maybe a high intensity burn session – there really is something for us all to try our hand at this year.
So we’ve rounded up a couple of our favourite spots to get physical in 2019. The best part? They’re all pay as you go – boss news for those of us who are total commitment phobes when it comes to our workouts…
1. HotFit Gym (Ormskirk Road, Bootle)
The clue’s in the name… Expect a fitness experience unlike any other in the city here, with calorie busting, high intensity classes held in 30 degree heat that will have you bursting with endorphins by the end of one session. If the idea of moving about in a humid room sounds a little off putting, maybe the science will change your mind. The guys here really know their stuff, and have created their Rip, Ride and Relax rooms to tap into the amazing positive performance effects of training in heat. Benefits include improved cardiovascular, thermoregulatory and metabolic functions, as well as the heat being able to improve your overall fitness capacity. In simple terms – the more you sweat, the fitter you get.
Individual classes from £7.50
2. Training Station 2 (Alfred Street, Wavertree)
One of the best strength and conditioning gyms about, Training Station 2 is a hidden fitness gem you may not have stumbled upon yet. It’s been going strong since 1995, and is constantly abuzz with both it’s loyal clientele and total fitness novices, with everybody welcome to take part in their daily kettlebell and strength and conditioning circuit classes – no matter what your level of fitness. Expect high energy group sessions, lead by motivational trainers who will push you to exceed your expectations and smash your goals, all year round. Well worth a visit.
Individual classes from £3.50
3. Rise Cycling (Smithdown Road)
Cycling, but not as you know it. The team at Rise Cycling have taken the city by storm with their unique approach to keeping fitness super fun since opening in 2016. With the lights down low, and a 90’s Pop playlist blasting as you peddle, you’d be forgiven for forgetting altogether that you’re there to sweat. But sweat you will – trust us. The team at RC are there, not only to motivate you, but entertain you too as you burn through the calories in classes such as Bro’s Vs Ho’s, Club Classics and Hip Hop Sundays. You’re guaranteed to leave smiling (and v. sweaty).
Individual classes from £8
4. Dockside Runners (Liverpool City Centre)
For those of you who love a little jog, or maybe even a weekly 10k sprint – Dockside Runners is the perfect collective to get you on the move around our gorgeous city. Meeting twice weekly in the city centre, they welcome runners of all abilities with open arms (and the occasional free t-shirt). So whether you’re training for a marathon, or simply looking to plod around the city streets, there’s a group here to fit your pace. Unbelievably too, sessions are totally free! We’re literally lacing up our trainers right now…
Sessions are free of charge
5. White Wolf Yoga (Cook Street, City Centre)
If the pace of high intensity cardio just isn’t your thing, taking up yoga could be the answer to your fitness prayers. We all know that intense exercise equals major endorphins – but what’s sometimes less acknowledged is the astonishing well-being benefits of this ancient Indian practice. As well as improving overall fitness and strength, yoga is also known to improve posture, regulate breathing and help relieve stress. The team at White Wolf Yoga have created a calming and serene space for all of those looking to unwind as they exercise, holding classes that will nourish your mind, as well as your body.
Individual classes from £7
Jemma OwensÂ