In Conversation with Siobhan Wilson
Siobhan Wilson played @81 Renshaw Street, in support of the release of her debut album “There Ain’t No Saints” in 2017, and for those who attended, it was a very special gig. And the album is something special too! It seems that 2018 is going to be another busy year, as she is not only recording a new album, but playing an abundance of dates, with the likes of Aidan Moffat, RM Hubbert, Fleet Foxes, and a Canadian tour supporting the legendary Proclaimers. So she is very, very busy – but was gracious enough to give Liverpool Noise a quick interview ahead of her Liverpool gig….
LN: Your gigging again so soon after your tour to support your latest release………There Are No Saints……why so soon?
SW: Because Klee Music and @81 Renshaw asked me, and I said yay. Also Ken who is coming along is American and hasn’t seen Liverpool before. Also gigging is my favourite thing to do.
LN: How did There Are No Saints differ from your previous releases, with regard to the recording process, song-writing subject and themes?
SW: Before There Are No Saints I’d released a couple of EP’s in the UK, so it felt good to get a whole album out. I tried out some new things and really let my ear guide me.
LN: As you have developed as an artist, how would you say your artistic vision has changed over the years, if at all?
SW: Every time I make something new, I really feel that I’m at the beginning of something exciting. I think my vision is always changing cause I’m influenced by everything around me. For example when I lived in France some music came out sounding quite French and now it sounds more Scottish again.
LN: There Are No Saints is an intimate work…Do you see your future projects continuing along the same themes, or perhaps looking for a bigger, more expansive sound?
SW: There’s a lot to be found in intimacy. Huge themes and really large tones.
LN: Any plans for a new album?
SW: Yes! A new one is being recorded and mixed just now!
LN: Are you going to be showcasing a new material on this tour?
SW: It is a surprise!
LN: We are really looking forward to you returning to @81, are you?
SW: Yes !! It’s a very sweet venue. I loved it there last time.
LN: Any other plans for 2018?
SW: I’m on tour a lot, finishing the new album, and learning lots 🙂 I’m
also trying to learn German.
LN: Vielen Danke Siobhan….and see you at the gig on the 6th July!
Siobhan Wilson appears @81 Renshaw Street, Liverpool, on Friday 6th July 2018. She is supported by Esme Bridie, whose debut album “Today It Rains” is available on limited edition vinyl via Klee Music and all excellent record stores….
Tickets available from: @81 Renshaw Street, Liverpool www.ticketquarter.co.uk www.kleemusic.co.uk
Steve Kinrade