
9 Ways To Help A Loved One With Mobility Issues Stay Happy And Healthy In And Outside Of Your Home

Mobility issues aren’t limited only to people of older age. Regardless of the reason why your loved one needs to deal with the mobility impairment, it can bring many changes into their lives. Suddenly, the activities they were used to enjoying every day became more difficult. The change can take a toll on their mental health, and it might become more challenging to keep them healthy and in a good mood. When your family member needs to use a wheelchair, you might need to make some changes to the house and other aspects of your lifestyle. Here are ways to help a loved one with mobility issues stay happy and healthy in and outside of your home.

Make The Doorways Wider

Wheelchairs can be rather spacious. To make sure that your loved one can move around the home comfortably, you need to find out if the doorways are wide enough. If the doorways are too narrow or a very tight fit, it might be difficult and frustrating for your family member to stay independent and get to the location they need to access. In that case, you need to make the doorways wider. That way, your loved one will be able to move around comfortably and without any issues. In some cases, it might be enough to remove the doorframe. But if you see that it still isn’t enough, contact a qualified renovator who can help you to solve the situation safely.

Pay Attention To The Home Entrance

Entering and leaving home might be difficult when your loved one in a wheelchair needs to deal with the stairs. To make the entrance easier and maintain some independency of the person, you might need to install a ramp. To make access even more convenient, you should consider installing handrails, so your family member can feel safer. You also need to make sure that the ramp is made of an anti-slippery material so moving on the ramp can be easy, even on a rainy day. With such a precaution, you can rest assured that your loved one is much safer and that manipulating the wheelchair around the home entrance becomes much easier.

Explore The Variety Of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Transportation can be rather daunting when your relative is in a family wheelchair and needs to get somewhere else. With accessibility becoming an increasingly bigger concern, there are many new solutions on the market. One of these popular solutions is wheelchair-accessible vehicles. To find the best vehicle for the need of your loved one, get in touch with companies like Allied Mobility and look at the range of cars to choose from. With a suitable vehicle on hand, you’ll be able to take your family member wherever they need to go. You can also use it as an opportunity to travel and show them the places they’ve always wanted to see.

Keep The Pathways Clear

In order to make it easy for your loved one to move around the house, make sure that the pathways are clear and wide enough. If the furniture in the hallway takes up too much space and makes it difficult for the wheelchair to pass around, then you might want to consider moving it to a different place. Ensure that the floors are clear of clutter and that there isn’t anything that could make it challenging for the person to get from one place to another. Maintaining all the pathways clean and in good shape can help you to keep your loved one safe and allow them to avoid dangerous situations.

Think About The Height Of The Worktops

Even though your family member is in a wheelchair, they won’t want to be completely dependent on your help. To make it easier for them to do the daily tasks as they were used to, think about the height of the worktops and adjust it if needed. With such a change, your loved one will be able to prepare their own meal or help you with the chores around the house while staying safe at the same time. The independence that well-accessible worktops can provide them with might make them feel happier and more confident. Adjust the worktops your family member uses the most and help them to stay in a better mood throughout the difficult times of adjustment to a new situation.

Equip Your Home With Smart Technology

When a person can’t stand up from the wheelchair, it can be challenging for them to do some of the basic tasks around the house. However, we live in an age of technology development, and there are many solutions that can make even the most frustrating moments more manageable. Therefore, you should consider bringing smart technology into your home. That way, your loved one might be able to control some devices or tools with their voice. They might also be able to see who is ringing the doorbell without having to open the door. Such technology solutions can help your loved one to stay safe even when there is no one else at home.

Consider The Flooring Throughout The Home

Another thing you should consider when living with a wheelchair user is the flooring throughout the building. If you have softer flooring, it might get easily damaged, and the wear and tear would show faster. It might also create a dangerous environment for the person in the wheelchair. To keep the flooring safe to use, consider working with harder materials. For instance, hardwood, laminate, or vinyl flooring can all be suitable. You can even try ceramic tiles. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any carpets or rugs on the floor, as these could make it more difficult for your loved one to navigate their wheelchair. When there’s nothing that could cause the person to trip or catch into the wheelchair, they’ll be able to stay safe while moving around the house and avoid unpleasant accidents and situations that might cause more problems.

Make Calling For Help Easy

Even when your family member is at home, there might be situations when they’re alone and get into an accident. To make them feel safe in case something like that happens, you should equip the home with solutions that can allow them to call for help if needed. In that case, a panic alarm or nurse call can make a significant difference to the well-being of your loved one. With an easily accessible safety measure, they’ll be able to get help when needed, and you can rest assured that they can stay safe even if you need to leave them alone for a little while.

Conclusion: Think About Your Budget

Living with a person in a wheelchair might require that you make some changes to your home. While some renovation projects can be small and affordable, others can be extensive and costly. Before you start making any changes to the building, take into account your budget. Have a look at how much you can spend on such adjustments and then make plans for specific changes. However, you can make your loved one feel safer even if you don’t have a large budget. Try to make daily tasks and activities as simple and accessible as possible. Then, your family member will feel more confident and safer in and outside of your home.


Founder and Editor, Clare Deane, shares her passion for all the amazing things happening in Liverpool. With a love of the local Liverpool music scene, dining out a couple of times a week and immersing herself in to all things arts and culture she's in a pretty good place to create some Liverpool Noise.

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