The Importance of Learning First Aid Skills
There are certain life skills that everyone should know, and a basic understanding of first aid can be critical in certain situations. Yet, the majority of people have either never received first aid training, have forgotten it, or have failed to keep up to date with changes.
According to Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, well over 60% of Americans are not confident in their first aid skills. That means around two-thirds of the country feels unable to assist in the event of an accident or emergency.
In 2021, there were 2.7 million non-fatal accidents in the workplace in the US. Workplaces often have trained first-aiders in place, but this isn’t a requirement for every employer. If the worksite is close to a medical facility, there may be no legal obligation to have any certified first-aider on-site.
However, there is a case for everyone to learn first aid as a mandatory skill.
How do you learn first aid?
There are a variety of ways to learn some first aid skills depending on where you live, and to what level you wish to take it.
If you are a member of the Boy Scouts of America or the Girl Scouts, then you can learn first aid and pass their own particular training in being a first-responder. Schools, colleges, and workplaces may also have their own first aid courses that you can take.
In a workplace, becoming a qualified first aider can mean being trained by an outside source. These courses can differ from 1 day to 3 days in length.
Alternatively, you could seek out the American Red Cross in the states, or St John’s Ambulance in the UK. Individuals can find private first aid courses online too, although to be qualified means taking hands-on, practical training.
Why isn’t first aid taught in schools and colleges?
Actually, first aid can be taught in schools and colleges, but some administrators feel it is too expensive. With educational cutbacks and budget restrictions, some schools may feel first aid is not a priority.
However, the American Red Cross can provide training for free. This may only be basic first aid, but it could not only help someone in an accident, but it could spark an interest to learn more in the student.
There are crucial reasons why everyone should learn first aid skills, and preferably from a young age.
Why is it essential to have first aid skills?
Although these statistics are a little dated, the facts around them remain true to this day. According to a report by The Guardian, up to 150,000 lives could be saved every year in the UK if people knew basic first aid skills.
Somebody suffering from a heart attack needs immediate attention. However, it can take some time for emergency crews to reach the scene. Therefore, having trained first aiders nearby boosts the odds of the patient surviving.
The more people that have first aid skills, the more likely that anyone that has any type of emergency will survive. It is said that the number of people that could be saved each year could be as many as those who die from cancer.
What would a first aid course teach you?
Not all courses are aimed at the same level. A school may teach very basic first aid principles, while an employer may wish their staff to take an extended first aid course.
There are also refresher courses available for those whose certificates are expiring or who wish to get back up to speed. Many courses will feature both practical and theoretical training.
Typically though you will learn how to recognize certain signs such as shock, and understand how to deal with seizures from epilepsy, or someone having a heart attack. You will understand how to deal with fractures and cuts, and which type of dressing is preferred for dry wounds.
You will learn how to bandage, care for burns and other wounds, put the patient in the recovery position, and learn CPR. You will learn this and considerably more in a first aid course.
Do first aid skills have a place in the real world?
Many people training others in first aid started as a student. Since then, they have used their skills in the real world not only to help individuals in an emergency but to provide first aid training in Liverpool and other places around the world.
The most common accidents that arise in the home include the following:
- Choking
- Sprains
- Trips and falls
- Cuts
- Burns
All of these can be treated by someone who has carried out some first aid training. They can help the patient before emergency services are called, and in the case of someone choking, they could save a life.
Even when the situation isn’t life-threatening, first aid is still important. Understanding how to manage burns and other wounds can make the victim more comfortable and may help to prevent blood loss or further injury.
You may not see why you would need to know how to apply a compression bandage now. But, wouldn’t it be better to know how to and not need it, than to be in the opposite situation?
In the workplace, it should be mandatory for a first aider to be on the scene at all times. Not just in factories, but in shopping malls, grocery stores, cinemas, and anywhere that people gather.
Understanding how to make a patient comfortable, put them in the recovery position, and how to perform CPR, could make a huge difference before the emergency services arrive.
Take your training a step further
For those looking to take their healthcare knowledge to the next level, taking a nursing course can be an invaluable opportunity. Not only will students gain insights into cutting-edge medical practices and treatments, but they will also benefit from studying under experienced medical professionals conducting research on the latest health protocols and procedures.
Those with a certified first aid certification may even find that they are eligible to fast-track their studies with credit earned for these qualifications. A nursing course is a great way to broaden one’s education while opening up exciting opportunities in the ever-changing world of healthcare. A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a great way to open up further career paths and specialise more in one’s field. Whatever stage of first aid training you are at, nursing courses can provide the perfect platform for success.
First aid skills are simply a vital part of education that everyone should know.
Even the most basic first aid principles can help someone who has suffered a trauma of sorts. Being able to comfort someone after an accident before paramedics arrive is worth the effort of training in itself. But, being able to dispense first aid in a genuine emergency could even save lives.
With most accidents occurring in the workplace and at home, doesn’t it make sense to have some kind of first aid skills?
It’s great that you talked about how having trained first aiders nearby could boost the odds of a patient surviving. I was chatting with my friend the other day and he told that he recently learned some first aid skills. From what I heard, it seems you could take first aid courses now, so maybe I should take one too.