Going on Holiday? Make Sure Your Dog Is Looked After – Faye’s Doggy Boutique
Have you got your summer holiday plans sorted yet? With spring just around the corner, families throughout the country are finalising their sunny getaways from the cold and wet UK. But if you are a pet owner, you may have a hard time leaving your furry loved ones behind at a boarding kennel.
Faye’s Doggy Boutique have provided some of the top reasons for taking your dog to doggy day care so they can have their own little holiday while you have yours.
A Place for Dogs to Play at Their Leisure
Doggy day care is the best place for dogs to be when it comes to playtime. Unlike kennels, dogs aren’t confined to a single small area. They have the freedom to run around at their leisure. Day care centres are designed to be spacious, both indoor and outdoor, offering dogs the opportunity to tire themselves out. A worn-out dog makes for a happy owner as far as wanting to relax is concerned! With so much space and plenty of toys to play with, your dog will be having the time of their life.
Your Dog Can Grow Their Social Circle
Socialisation is vastly important in the development and growth of a dog’s personality, just as the same applies to us humans. Spending time away from their owners and mixing with other dogs can be beneficial for improving confidence and reducing complex issues like separation anxiety. Many of the same dogs are frequent visitors to day care which allows them to build new connections and make their own friends.
Community Trust You Can Believe In
Community trust is essential for the success and continual growth of any doggy dare care centre. You will often find that a lot of pet owners are returning customers to the same centre. They believe in the professional service, trust the staff and retain confident in their dog’s entertainment and safety. As a result, this also enables the dog to engage with others they get on with without the fear of clashing personalities.
Book Luxury Doggy Day Care in Liverpool
To give your dog a luxury doggy day care experience in Liverpool, you may wish to choose Kate’s Doggy Boutique. This dedicated day care centre provides a luxury level of service in all areas of dog pampering. Your dog deserves the opportunity to stay in a friendly environment where they can relax and play with other canine friends at their leisure. Enjoy your summer holiday knowing your dog will be too.